World Witches Series Wiki
Forums: Index > Watercooler > Fan Projects


There's an artist on Pivix named Ogitsune who has been very prolific in producing Strike Witches spin off material lately. Probably his two biggest projects are Strike Witches 1991, which started with him making Strike Witches parodies of Maverick and Goose from Top Gun and ended up becoming a multiple-artist project, and the "Battle of Britannia" doujin manga which has a prologue and two chapters published.

Would there be any place for covering that sort of fan material on this wiki? At present most of the English language coverage of the project is on Danbooru which is less than ideal in a number of respects, particularly the fact that the main organistional system for the material on that site is by the date it was brought over.

Another question I have (and I hope people don't mind me asking this) is whether theres anyone here who would be willing to help translate some of the material The people on Danbooru have translated bits and pieces of the material but they keep falling further and further behind. Any help people on this site could provide would be much appreciated, even if it's only translating a few bits here or there. The artist's tag on Danbooru is "ogitsune_(ankakecya-han)." (Warning to those of you not familiar with Danbooru -some of the advertisements on that site are NSFW -as is a lot of the content if you search without proper filters.)

feel free to use user pages for whatever you want, keep it off the main body of the wiki proper. to do a userpage, just go to your normal user page, put a slash ad a page title at the end, and make the page. not at all intuitive, but pretty easy to do.--Snugglemuffins (SW talk) (SG talk) 07:17, August 23, 2011 (UTC)

Actually that "Start a wiki" button at the top of the page is making me wonder if my best course of action would be to see if I could get some followers of the project together and start a separate wiki dedicated specifically to the project.

D Tabby 00:49, August 25, 2011 (UTC)
